Monday, September 15, 2014

Go Green Dragons!

Liam has been begging to do a sport forever and finally a friend of ours who also has a special needs son said that they had tried out soccer and her son had loved it. I was a bit weary of trying it out.

Liam had never played soccer before, Liam hasn't ever played any sport. The other kids might not understand when he sat down in the middle of the field and put his hands over his ears because the noise was too loud. They might not understand when he would try to take his shirt off because he was getting stressed out. What if he wasn't good and the coaches wouldn't let him play? There were tons of these thoughts going through my head the week before our first soccer game.

I couldn't have been more wrong. First of all we decided on Region 62, Area N, Section 2. Tracy is the wonderful lady who organizes the VIP program and Coach Ron and Coach Rhona are they coaches that run it. Depending on the day we have 6-12 kids playing. The kids are anywhere from 4 to 18. It starts at 10 and is 1 hour.

They start the practice off with 20 minutes of warm ups, each child has his or her own personal coach, a lot of the youth from older teams come to volunteer but there are adults as well.They take a water break at the 30 minute mark. After the water break they do a "mini game." These are sooo much fun and really boost the confidence of the kids. Every kid gets to play, every kid gets a chance to make a goal. The older kids usually play goalie.

This is an inexpensive way to get your special needs child out of the house on a Saturday. They get a ton of exercise, socialize with other kids, learn new skills, they get to learn to be part of a team and they get to have a wonderful time. The benefits aren't just for your kids though, they are for you as well. They let you participate in cheering your children on, meeting other parents and showing pride in your child's accomplishments.

AYSO VIP Program
Coach Tracy

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